Etiqueta: data driven journalismPágina 1 de 2

You know nothing John Snow

Via Instagram.

II Jornadas de Periodismo de Datos @ CCCB

En las #jpd14. Muy interesante de momento, especialmente Nicola Hughes (The Times). Mucha experiencia práctica y mucho periodismo, lo que es de agradecer. A la tarde más. #barcelona…

Great book about data visualization

#reading  / on Instagram

School dropout rate Vs Unemployment rate

School dropout rate Vs Unemployment rate in Spanish Autonomies. Size of the circle represents population. Blue lines represent rates for Spain as a whole. Click to enlarge.

Un CEO equivale a 341 redactores

opaco: Mongolia: Informe Cebrián, via faccc

Data visualization of electoral census in Galicia

Galicia is holding its Autonomy elections in October 21st, and the National Statistics Institute has released a small set of data from the electoral census. Working with this…

How many galician voters live abroad?

Choropleth map of the electoral census in Galicia, Spain, showing the percentage of the electoral census living abroad, by council.

Meandering plot visualization in the NYT

datanouveau: The New York Times created a meandering plot on the relationship between road fatalities and miles driven in the United States. The per capita miles…

The Handsome Atlas

The Handsome Atlas, an online compilation of statistical atlases of the US in the XIX century.

The data newspaper

The data newspaper. A one-off newspaper automatically generated from data on for each zip code in London.