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Necesitas manejar con soltura conceptos básicos de estadística. Todavía no lo sabes, pero puede ser lo más importante para tu carrera, independientemente del periodismo que vayas a hacer….
El mercado laboral periodístico es invisible, subterráneo, injusto, basado en contactos y muy difícil de atacar desde fuera. Una vez “dentro” es todo más sencillo. Consejos que me…
(Matokie) Slaughter – Margaret Kilgallen Mural in San Francisco
The New York Times is a leader among news organizations when it comes to article recommendations — but the entire news business is miles behind e-commerce here. (There’s…
The death of the newspaper, often denied but much feared, may be avoided by adapting to the new circumstances. And to some extent, the change has already begun…
The advent and popularity of the tablets — portable, small, easy to handle — have given publishers the incorrect impression that the transition from print to digital could…
The importance of graphic identity, and even more, of visual storytelling, is not decreasing. To the contrary, managing to reconstruct a consistent reading structure that gets the reader…