Etiqueta: surveillance
La Agencia repudia el uso de las cámaras instaladas en autobuses municipales from Portada de EL PAÍS
Theoretically, the structure of our government is supposed to keep us safe from government abuse, but the rise of an enhanced security state after the attacks of Sept….
Sospechar de mí os convierte en sospechosos. Being suspicious of me makes you suspicious. El Roto.
The revelations by the former NSA operative, Edward Snowden (now to be charged with espionage himself), about the massive extent of state snooping on telephone calls and internet…
I don’t have to listen to your phone calls to know what you’re doing. If I know every single phone call you made, I’m able to determine every…
agentff6600: Tiny Drone Camera Hovers Over Your Shoulder And Records Your Life
This is the Black Hornet. Its Norwegian manufacturer, Prox Dynamics, bills it as the world’s smallest military-grade spy drone, with a weight of 16 grams and a length…
cecilia-lmd: sres. políticos si fuera por nuestra seguridad las cámaras estarían en sus despachos