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Via Instagram.
Support for full-fledged co-ops has inched into the mainstream as communities have grown weary of waiting for private investors to create good jobs — or sick of watching…
[soundcloud url=»https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/142824083″ params=»color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true» width=»100%» height=»166″ iframe=»true» /]
Your email provider is the weak link in all online security Set up two-step authentication on all accounts that provide it Use Diceware to create secure passwords for…
Inside Carcosa.
By Maya Eilam, via Boing Boing
This house was built by modernist catalan architect Puig i Cadafalch for my great-great-grandmother in 1917. The land where the house still sits is now part of the…
When I’m not out of my Pedro town on tour, I paddle my kayak every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday usually from inside the Los Angeles harbor at Cabrillo…
Via residuetrail.