Categoría: personalPágina 21 de 45

All of us have our towers to climb

“All of us have our towers to climb”. Wisdom by Harry Crews. / on Instagram

Art by Spencer Moody

Art by Spencer Moody, now at my happy home. On Instagram

HAZ en el café Molar de Madrid

Preparando la exposición de HAZ en el café Molar de Madrid el sábado pasado. / on Instagram

Si ella dice no…

bombasparadesayunar: Ninguna de esas reivindicaciones está obsoleta, qué cosas

First we take Madrid and then we take the world

First we take Madrid and then we take the world.

La Grande Arche de la Défense

/ on Instagram

HAZ en Fatbottom Books

Proud. / on Instagram

Singing, clapping, dancing, yelling and smiling

Saturday night was all about singing, clapping, dancing, yelling and smiling.

Tonight: Rocket From The Crypt!

Tonight: Rocket From The Crypt!

Rocket From The Crypt en Barcelona

lacastanya: Info del concierto / Show info: La Castanya 5! Rocket From the Crypt + Biscuit This Saturday in Barcelona!