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Light In The Attic Docs Presents: Big Boys – Looking Back It’s Just Reflections

Hey you bastards, I’m still here

Hey you bastards, I’m still here.

Brian Eno & Robert Fripp

orux: (No Pussyfooting) 1973 Brian Eno & Robert Fripp

Fasenuova: Salsa de Cuervo

putriddiamonds: FASENUOVA “Salsa de Cuervo” LP on Discos Humeantes. Full album stream. I don’t remember anticipating a record so fucking much since that second OTAN 7” took forever…

The Swell Maps: live in the bedroom

dynamitehemorrhage: THE SWELL MAPS, live in one of the members’ bedrooms in the 70s.

Jerry Only

zombiesenelghetto: Misfits: Jerry Only, photo by Kevin Salk, ca 1983 via If you’re gonna scream, scream with me. Moments like this never last.

Out of time man

Jandek musical influences

volcanictongue: Jandek musical influences via

Michael Hurley

theroamer: Michael Hurley.

Neil Young