Mes: abril 2013Página 2 de 3

The only thing you can do with a swastika

“A friend and I took care of a graffitied swastika in our town the only way we knew how.”

Si ella dice no…

bombasparadesayunar: Ninguna de esas reivindicaciones está obsoleta, qué cosas

Joe Coleman

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme.

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme.

Marina Ginestà

groovyfuneral: “Sempre m’he preguntat qui era la dona d’aquesta foto maquíssima i avui l’he trobat. Es diu Marina Ginestà i es va fer la foto el 1936, quan…

-30% in newsroom staff since 2000

First we take Madrid and then we take the world

First we take Madrid and then we take the world.

La Grande Arche de la Défense

/ on Instagram

2013/03 – peace begins within

Link: 2013/03 – peace begins within  


lolololola: Phyllis Dillon – Perfidia (by TrojanRecordsChannel)