your life is your lifedon’t let it be clubbed into dank on the watch.there are ways out.there is light may not be much light butit beats…
Onte vimos The Trial of the Chicago 7, a película de Aaron Sorkin sobre o xuízo a activistas polos disturbios na convención demócrata de 1968 en Chicago. Pasaron…
«Pollution is basically a social and economic problem, rooted in the present irrational organisation of society, and that therefore all attempts to find a technological solution are doomed…
Normal in this instance means supply chains that are so complex that they need algorithmically controlled networks to manage them as they exploit cheap labor in one half…
Pete Davis talks about the power of closing some doors, of not keeping every possible option open, but making certain commitments in life for the sake of focus…
When day comes we step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid The new dawn blooms as we free it For there is always light, if only we’re…
We have engineered a life support system without fault tolerance, and we did it because engineers didn’t design the system. Politicians did. Special interests did. And it’s built…
12 meses interminables 16 películas vistas 30 libros leídos 43 canciones de este año con las que me quedo 1 confinamiento 3 meses en Alicante 2 goteras 1…
It’s easy to rationalise this attitude as a desire to do things properly, but really it’s the desire to do them perfectly – with the result that you…
Los bitchos sólo tienen un puñado de canciones, pero son lo que más he escuchado en la última semana, con diferencia.